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Kimono Project: Green Polish Kimono

 A couple days ago I finished constructing the Green Polish Embroidered Kimono. I still plan on making the haori for it but I have not gotten around to it yet. For now here's what I did:


So technically this part isn't done according to plan, but I am done with it for now. 
For the sleeve corners, I machine embroidered directly onto the fabric using a design I got on Etsy
Then I designed and created my own embroidered designs to make patches. 
Based on my cat. 

Two horses

Here is what went well: 

  • The designs look good against the kimono. My photos don't do it justice. 
  • The wash away mesh DID wash away. 
Here's what could have gone better: 
  • The cat patch had a bit of wonkiness after washing away the stabilizer. Nothing major.
  • One of the sleeve corners got bunched while the machine embroidered so I had to pick out some stitches and it left some tiny holes. 
  • Broke a few needles on the machine that scared the life out of me. 
What I learned: 
  • Embroidering onto wash away stabilizer is a great way to make patches when used with iron-on bonding
  • Make sure the fabric doesn't get caught under the hoop during the stitching process.
  • Use the correct needles for embroidery and the correct bobbin for my machine. It makes such awful noises otherwise. 
  • Sewing directly onto the fabric is stressful!! 😨
I would like to embroider a flower between the two horses and perhaps another floral design on the back, but I am pleased with what I have now. I may end up doing some embroidery by hand. 😅


I mostly followed the Alice in Cosplayland's pattern instructions, except for the collar attachment. I used mostly French seams and rolled hems. I am very pleased with how well everything coordinates! 

The mess on the floor doesn't help with photos. 
Here's what went well: 

  • French seams on the sleeves worked well! 
  • Collar attachment was a bit easier this time. 
  • IT FITS!!! 
  • Used my blind hem foot to make a blind hem! 
What could have gone better: 
  • I forgot to do French seams for the side seams. 
  • The corner could be a bit more rounded.
  • Had some issues putting on the Okumi panels. Not ideal for french seams. 
  • Pinked or serged the edges because MAN did this fabric fray!
What I learned: 
  • French seams work in the sleeves, center back seam and side seams. Okumi seams should probably be pinked or felled seams. 
  • My machine is picky about bobbins. 
  • It helped to really mark things up before sewing and using my yardstick to help make straight lines. 


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