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Showing posts with the label Advice

Duct Tape Dummy Alternatives

Duct tape Dummy or a Duct tape mannequin is a quick way to create a replica of your body for all kinds of projects. From being a dress form to creating a pattern, Duct tape dummies (DTD) are incredibly useful for all kinds of costume projects.  However, if you are trying to make a full body DTD, you'll need assistance to make it. It may also destroy some of your clothing in some methods. And you may not feel comfortable making one as it is restrictive.  The primary reasons for making a DTD are to make patterns for clothes or armor. Because it is easy to translate the 3D form into a 2D pattern.  Puppet head covering pattern. Personally, for things like gloves or boot covers, I have no trouble making a DTD of an arm or a leg. But full body I need a different approach.  Method 1: Silhouette Tracing As a kid, I remember having a criminal outline done on banner paper of myself. It is still a viable approach although now I may need to tape pieces of banner paper side by side. You can kin

Cutting Table and Ironing Board for Small Spaces

In preparation for my next sewing project, I wanted a cutting table but I have no room in my apartment for more furniture. I also want a better surface to iron on that's bigger than my ironing board. Currently I cut my fabric on the floor which is fine for smaller projects. But making my hakama was really testing my physical limits. So to avoid further spinal aches, I wanted to lift my fabric prep from the floor to a table.  I have a cheap, long card table that used to be my main crafting table when I first moved to Texas. It's a good height but the surface is shot due to years of sloppy crafting. It's a long, narrow table which is going to work well (I hope) for my kimono sewing. However, I want to make the surface smooth and clean so it's easy to cut. My current cutting board is too wide for the table. So my first objective was to figure out how to make this table a better surface for cutting fabric.  Cutting Board As long as you're using scissors to cut, a cuttin

My Broken Process in Making a Kimono - Part 1 References and Kimono Types

 A personal flaw of mine is being very discouraged in reaction to mistakes. It's taken years to realize the root of this issue. And oddly enough, costumes have helped me heal. I'm learning how to make happy mistakes or at least embrace the process. And all this flowery intro is how my process in learning how to make a kimono is going. My hindsight (that now feels a bit embarrassing) and my current process plan and hopefully resources for anyone to have a better foundation than me getting started.  Here were the challenges I had on this project:  I rely on patterns. When it comes to brain load, measuring and understanding why the shapes work is often a lift I can't make easily. The patterns available are a mix of authentic and more Western approaches to sewing. (Something that I only recently learned is the variation of seamstress traditions between cultures.) Technically, you don't NEED a pattern for kimono, but although I knew the pattern shapes, I did not know how to

Ballroom Dance Competition Costume

 Shame on me for not posting sooner, but the Unicorn dance costume was a success! (A proper post-mortem will come later.)  However, I've decided to enter my first competition. Just a mini-match for now but I will need a dress for it. Which of course, is very exciting when it comes to "what should I wear?" I've been Pinning ideas for different dress shapes, colors and designs and maybe overwhelming myself. So, it's time to hit pause and layout some design considerations as well as practical ones. Let's start with practical.  Practical Considerations - Budget and Investment These are the pillars of practical decisions for costumes (and other creative things): Budget and Investment.  Budget = what you can spend/spare in terms of time, money, space, and energy. Basically it's what you have on hand already.  Investment = what you can put into a project in terms of time, money, space, and energy. It's more about capacity. My analogy of this is Investment is

Design Decision Tree

 I'm going to share a bit of my process for making decisions. Lately, I have been assailed by indecisiveness and fretting about costume colors. So, I've sat myself down and did some practical things to help make these decisions.  Requirements This will require visual aides so either use a drawing that you will trace and color in or scan in a drawing to manipulate on art software. I use Photoshop but you can use any program that lets you dump colors and change layers.  Process Brainstorm :  Find inspiration based on costume themes or favorite colors or common color compliments for clothes or traditional cultural colors.  Create a cookie cutter template where you can place the colors generally where they need. If you are doing this physically, make sure the linework is bolded so you can retrace and try other colors.  Look at them all side-by-side.  Eliminate first by 'feeling'. "I'm not crazy about this combo." "Not my vibe." "Just not into it

Multiple Projects and Anxious Priorities

It is very difficult for me to settle and just do one thing. Maybe it's a generational thing to have so many choices that we're paralyzed when told we have to pick one. (Story of my dating life. 😅) In my efforts to declutter my apartment and start gaining some focus, I've been reflective of how I manage so many projects. Or rather...start so many and rarely finish.  Always making the same mistakes... So, one thing I've been trying to be good about is prioritizing projects before buying supplies and starting them. However, I failed to realize something until There's the LOGIC of setting a priority but my anxious mind tries to sabotage that. So Story time... A Tale of Two Dresses On my list of costumes to make is a green dance dress for St. Patrick's Day, a costume for a dance performance in June, and the big puppet and costume for Halloween. All of these costumes have due dates. Not a bad thing to have, it helps set priorities. By logic, the priori

SOS: Shiny Object Syndrome

 I'm writing this in hopes to help myself really. I struggle with this so much! Now, I do end up finishing many projects but my apartment has become a testament to my impulses. So, let's dish about focus and starting too many things at once.  ✨SPARKLY!✨ The "sparkle" is meant to grab your attention, that is its job. My tendency is to follow it probably farther than I want. HOWEVER, much like the psychology of advertising I find inspiration can often be that distraction that pulls me away from a current project.  Here's what I mean.  I'm currently working on my puppet design. It needs a lot of research for the parts I want to make for it. The pinterest board is very full and more is added to it all the time. (I really need to organize it.) As I'm researching how to make the scales, I find the silicone scale tutorial video. Instead of just leaving it as research, I start looking at other videos by the same person because there are related topics like what ki

To the Faire! Ren Faire Garb

After many years of being away, I'm planning a trip with friends to the Texas Renaissance Faire. It's been a good 5 or 6 years since I've been there. My first true Ren Faire was at my undergraduate school Grand Valley State University and I made a dress with my mom's help. (We used a commercial pattern.)   First Ren Faire 20+ years ago!  First Ren Faire Costume Considerations The two biggest things to know about Ren Faires are that they are an outdoor venue with lots of walking . Just like any county fair if you think about it. Also, it is important to note that dressing up in garb or costume is OPTIONAL . It is not a requirement although it is very fun.  If you do want to wear something special, you need to consider:  Weather Conditions - based on what region you are in. It's HOT where I am, but you may be blessed with chilly fall weather. Time Budget - how long do you have before the Faire? Funds Budget - how much do you want to spend or can you spend? Comfort

Cultural Costumes: Navigating Clothes from Around the World

 As we grow as a society and as our exposure to other cultures increases, the question of whether or not we can wear another culture's traditional costume becomes a sensitive subject. Most of us want to avoid the cultural faux pas of wearing a costume that offends a majority of people! So, how does one navigate these tricky waters?  What are we trying to Avoid? I think going into this, we want to consider what may be wrong with wearing a costume from another culture:  Showcase our Ignorance Encourage Negative Stereotypes Portray a Caricature  Reducing or Mocking a Culture Display Arrogance Lack of Empathy In our day and age of information access, ignorance of a culture is no longer an acceptable excuse...past a certain age. Admittedly, children under a certain level of maturity do not have the capacity to grasp important historical realities for other people. They grow into it. And I think the current generation of parents are more culturally sensitive than previous ones and are th