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Color Chats: Changing your Hair Color

For the final post about colors, I'm going over hair color.  Changing your hair color is fun, but can be a challenge depending on your hair type, base color, and goal color.  Not my real hair color! Quick Tips I color my hair frequently, so I've got a few experiences to share. First, let me set up some basic things about hair color.  It's easier to color light-colored hair than darker hair. So, to get a vibrant color, first, a dark-hair person will need to bleach their hair. Bleaching your hair can also cause hair or skin damage. It's better to work with another person. For your first bleach, I recommend getting it done at a salon. You don't need to go to a high-end place, some places will even let you bring your own box of bleach.  Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the "drug-store box hair color". Not only because I had a rough experience but there's a pretty big challenge coloring your own hair. Having another person to help is good but some