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Showing posts with the label wendigo

Wendigo Halloween

 It's doooo~oone! Gonna get'chu! So I will say, it's not very comfy to wear the head, so I'll wear the full costume only for pictures, but the effect is amazing!  Here are some more pics of it.  I'm not going to use the extensions despite the coolness.

Costume Journal: Wendigo/Not-Deer Progress

 ðŸŽƒ Halloween creeps up quicker than we like! We are halfway through September, and that means all the stores are finally displaying their spooky supplies.  This year for Halloween, I'm going for a scary costume, the wendigo or not-deer inspired costume that will also be a stash buster. While I have made some purchases for the costume, most of it will be made from leftover scraps from other projects.  3D Printed Parts The 3D printed parts include:  Skull Mask Claws Antlers + Headband Raven skull necklace These have all been printed and assembled for the most part. The mask has elastic on it to keep it on, the antlers detach from the headband so it can be easier to insert them through the fur hood. I'm using tiny rubber bands to help keep the claws on my gloves.  Boots I ended up purchasing these boots from ChaosCostumes . The hoof size compared to my 3D printed buck is much larger. Safety matters! The shoe is a tad too big, so I have purchased some heel pads and a detachable an

Costume Journal: Wendigo/Not-Deer Costume

So spooky! The idea for this costume came from my brainstorming on what to wear for office Halloween. I do have a couple of already made costumes I could use that I haven't worn yet, but I was hit with this idea when I remembered that I 3D printed a fox skull mask and found my "shaggy" faux fur fabric. I have so much scrap material around that I'm just "saving for a rainy day". Well, the rainy day has come and I wish to use up my scraps and clear out some of my closet. So...the spirit of greed and starvation the Wendigo.  Components  The costume was in part inspired by another person's 3D kit on Thingiverse . It used a variation of the fox skull, added antlers and long claws. So, what I'm borrowing from that design is:  Skull Mask Antlers long Claws Fur Hood Where I will differ is I'm using this as an excuse to finally make those Hoof Boots I wanted. I am also making the cloak part more like a Ring Wraith or Dementor cloak.  Body long-sleeved shi