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Showing posts with the label fursuit

Hoof Boot Research

This post is highlighting my (somewhat flawed) research methods and decision process for a particular costume part: Hoof Boots. (Like the ones pictured below.) Creature Feet by ChaosCostumes I am trying to decide whether or not to purchase the boots from an artist or to make them myself.  There are several options to weigh, one of them being whether it's worth investing in a new skill. Methods Buy on Etsy Follow Tutorial My Method Pros and Cons Etsy Pros: No mess in my apartment, high quality from an experienced creator, safety tested Cons: Limited design choices and colors, shoe sizes too big, have to wait for shipping Tutorial Pros: Definitive proof that the method works, final design look is in my control Cons: I have no experience making these things, very difficult to find used/cheap shoes in my size, Big mess, hazardous chemical materials, Not necessarily cheaper My version Pros: Potentially most economical method, design in my control, shoe guaranteed to fit, ankle support,