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Showing posts with the label historical costume

To the Faire! Ren Faire Garb

After many years of being away, I'm planning a trip with friends to the Texas Renaissance Faire. It's been a good 5 or 6 years since I've been there. My first true Ren Faire was at my undergraduate school Grand Valley State University and I made a dress with my mom's help. (We used a commercial pattern.)   First Ren Faire 20+ years ago!  First Ren Faire Costume Considerations The two biggest things to know about Ren Faires are that they are an outdoor venue with lots of walking . Just like any county fair if you think about it. Also, it is important to note that dressing up in garb or costume is OPTIONAL . It is not a requirement although it is very fun.  If you do want to wear something special, you need to consider:  Weather Conditions - based on what region you are in. It's HOT where I am, but you may be blessed with chilly fall weather. Time Budget - how long do you have before the Faire? Funds Budget - how much do you want to spend or can you spend? Comfort