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Showing posts with the label centaur

Becoming a Centaur: Introduction

This is going to be one of my first series of costume concept designs giving you tools and ideas to make your own version of this concept. I have a few other creatures in mind but we'll start with the toughest: the centaur/centauress.  Now, to be honest, I have not yet attempted to make this myself. These are my design musings. I borrow heavily on my past costuming experience and what I've gleaned from tutorials. Some of the tutorials that were particularly helpful for my research are:  Ginny Di's   Centaur of Attention Book  and Video .  Kopolenske's Walking Centaur Instructables Trilemma Adventures: Halloween moving Centaur And Write of Passage's WordPress Blog   Then I looked at other people's attempts at this costume and tried to decipher what they did.  This will be a series of blog posts that will act as guides for different parts of this costume. Centaur Body Design Considerations Concepting a Character Building up a Horse Body Suggestions for Horse Legs