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Showing posts with the label Crochet

Cosplay Knitting: Tabi Socks

Ever since my string of madness back in February, I have been happily knitting away and starting more projects than I can finish. Just like every knitter. 😜 I am enamored with the idea of yarn craft/fiber craft costumes, but it is certainly not an efficient method. I'll get faster eventually, but for now, I'm doing the inefficient right-hand/English knitting instead of the quicker continental knitting. Anywho...let's talk tabi!  This is how far I got before restarting. Capturing the Essence The nice thing about most shows is that they don't get too crazy with the sock design.  Demon Slayer, for most characters, uses either a white or "black" or Dark solid color. There are exceptions, of course. (Glaring at you, Mitsuri...and your delicious pinstripe thigh highs.) I do love her aesthetic. When it comes to the height of the socks, most of the major characters have leg wraps (kyahan) or long pants (hakama). This means you can make the ankle bit as tall as comfor